The most influential people in the world? Who are they?
More than 20 years ago, I heard a college professor say over and over throughout on of my courses – “Nothing is real until its personal.” What he was saying was, unless something has personal significance or touches your life in a tangible way, it won’t mean to you what it means to others.
Similarly, those people and events that hold personal significance to you may not be valued by others.
One’s influence is often directly related to their level of impact in your life or work.
Hundreds of people have helped me along the way. So it’s difficult to limit a list of people who have profoundly influenced my life.
So at the risk of overlooking some, here are the 5 most influential people in my world:
1. Clarence Sexton
President of Crown College in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Clarence taught me to dream big – bigger than anyone else. And he taught me, when you have a dream, don’t ever let anyone tell you can’t accomplish it.
2. Mac Heavener
Former President and CEO, ERA
As I was navigating the challenges of launching several businesses in a short period of time, Mac encouraged me to maintain integrity and a high level of ethics. He once told me, You can’t talk your way out of something you behaved yourself into.
[Tweet “You can’t talk your way out of something you behaved yourself into.”]
I’ll always remember one particular summer afternoon in a barbecue joint in Jacksonville, Florida – Mac challenged me to think intentionally about what I want my life to mean when it’s over. His influence led me to complete a doctoral degree, to rewrite my life plan, and to develop a clear, compelling, written vision for my work.
3. Raymond Gleason
Executive Coach, Building Champions
Raymond has directly influenced my decision-making and leadership development more than any other person. My coach and my friend, he encouraged me to live and lead authentically. I am a healthier dad, husband, and leader because of Raymond’s influence in my life.
4. Michael Hyatt
Former Chairman and CEO, Thomas Nelson Publishers and best-selling author
As successful as Mike has been and continues to be, he is still learning and sharing what he is learning every single day. He is always searching. Always developing. Always creating. He is always improving and always growing.
Mike taught me to grow, live, and lead on purpose.
5. Jeff Goins
Author of Wrecked and The In-Between
You’ll meet a handful of remarkable people in your lifetime. Jeff is one of those people in my life. He taught me that I didn’t have to wait to be picked. That I can pursue my vision today. And I can dream with passionate freedom.
He taught me to be generous – and it’s even ok if people take advantage of your generosity.
He challenged me to write without second-guessing myself. So I started a blog. I wrote a book. And I wrote a second book.
A league of their own
There are two people whose positive impact on my life is unparalleled…
Sarah Nichols
My wife is the most supportive person I have ever known. She is my best friend, my counselor, and my lover. She lives to make me and our children better. And she loves doing it.
Without her ever-present encouragement and support, I would have accomplished little in my life and work.
Eugene Nichols
My dad’s influence in my life and work birthed the idea for this post. He taught me how to lead by letting go and helped me get an early start in business at the age of 11.
He taught me to listen. And he taught me to love unconditionally.
When I’ve approached him with a pressing concern, he has always expressed unwavering confidence in my ability to handle the problem. And I am better for it.
Question: Who is on your list of most influential people in the world? How did they impact your life? Share your thoughts in the comments. Then let them know!
Wonderful, thank you.
Thank you sir for your continued coaching about leadership and personal life, may I say you’re gem in that area and it has been my joy trying to tap as much, and apply in my business and small groups bible study that I lead.
My question or a kind request if possible any opportunity for training about leadership in your affluent institutions either short or long courses, if scholarship will appreciate.
Andrew Machina
You mentioned that you had someone teach you to lead by letting go. Can you explain this more or maybe write an article on it? I’m a high school student leader and I’m beginning to understand, but I still need some help to grow out of a management mentality.
Glenn Leroy Simonson – My Father – Died in a farming accident when I was 14. He lived and demonstrated a strong work ethic and love for the family. Always taking care of people in any way he could. Made people feel cared for.
Sandra Simonson-Thums – My Mom – Her caring manner has helpped sooooo many people who have experienced some of lifes most difficult challenges. She can walk into a room full of strangers and have people telling her their most intiment thoughts in minutes. A great connector, gave hope and resouces to so many people.
Rob Youngblood and Steve Lanchak – Direct manager and Practice Manager – Showed me how to build, grow and care for a team. Take care of your team and your team will take care of you. But…. you have to do it because it is whats best for your employee, if done with the motive of selfishness it will be recongnized and backfire.
Looks like you had a great family, Mike. Thanks for sharing your list.
Influential people:
1. Larry Hibbard. One time military officer, one time pastor, currently funeral director. All the time Dad. There’s much left to be learned from Dad, but the time in funeral work these recent years has been a study in serving people while still having to deal with sales-like activities.
2. Roy Buckelew, former professor. He taught speech at Ouachita and challenged me to think more creatively.
3. A couple of the professors in the religion department at the same school. Learned from them how to do real academic work while also having real spiritual life–and really care about people.
4. Emil Turner, retired pastor who kicks me straight when I need it.
5. Rico Belotti, former band director who used to kick me straight when I needed it.
6. Mr. Radford, Scoutmaster, Troop 216 who signed off on my Eagle Scout paperwork years ago. Never put up with unnecessary bovine byproducts.
Of course, without Ann, I’d just go nuts anyway–all of the “you can do its” that have piled up over the years, she’s the one that keeps reminding me that those apply to me, not someone else.
Great list, Doug. I didn’t realize you went to Ouachita. We have a summer intern that is attending there now.
OBU is a great place. I’m glad to know you’ve got a good intern!
I’ve been considering this question lately. As I take a look back at the people with whom I’ve crossed paths, I’ve asked myself how they’ve influenced and impacted my life. Some of the most influential were around for just a short season. Others who have been around much longer could have, and arguably should have, been of more influence but have made little positive impact.
I can say with confidence, Michael Nichols has proven to be of great influence and encouragement. I am grateful to call you a friend and mentor, regardless of how long or short this season may be.
I appreciate your kind words, Chad. I am grateful for your friendship.
I love your examples of the people that have influenced your personal and professional growth! It’s great to take time to reflect on those who have impacted your life and thank them!
Thanks Lindsey!